Sunday 28 February 2010


So just to top off a busy 5 day stretch on the Tuesday Floorpunch played Leeds with True Colours and neverXagain (some of whom are in bxp with Saker).

To say it was 12 quid in, it was pretty packed, Floorpunch's only northern date so there were loads of people i've never seen before there which was a nice change, got to catch up with Hazel and Billie, and Bjorn from R&F was hanging out with True Colours so it was good to see him again.

Kam told me both bands were staying at mine, 11 in total, thankfully TC were headed straight to the Antwerp show because FP had 9 people just for them! I guess 5 shows, you would just bring your mates along! And they sure did :)
They actually only stayed for a few hours, most of them stayed up and got showers/ hung out which was fun, they taught me about college basketball, (which im still not convinced about, there is just too much going on!) And again I proved cups of tea are the way forward! Though the singer is a coffee trader which blew my mind, he showed me youtube vids of him shouting at the stock exchange, nuts!

Then they left at like 4am, which put my sleeping pattern to shit for the rest of the week, but they were super nice which is always a bonus of having a band stay!

Ps, liena joined me, forgot she loved both bands, she was so siked, im pretty sure she would have moshed if she was that way inclined, thankfully she's not. So we just had a sing along in the back instead!

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